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Baiki Structured Data Errors Blogger

3 langkah untuk baiki Structured Data Errors Step 1: Find the Keyword position Step 2: Comment the Existing Markup. How to comment in HTML? Let consider we need to comment <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' itemprop='description'/>. Introduce <!-- --> to comment HTML. Eg: <!-- <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' itemprop='description'/> --> is commented. Step 3: Paste the Proposed Markup below the commented code. Now let’s start Fixing our Blog. Add additional data to Blog Schema Step 1: CTRL+F → Step 2: Existing markup: To be commented <div itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='' style='display: none;'> <meta expr:content='data:blog.title' itemprop='name'/> <b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription'> <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' itemprop='description'/>